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【軟體名稱】:ERD 5.0 / 6.0
【檔案大小】:57,941 KB (XP-x86) / 206,846 KB (VISTA/7-x86) / 225.4 MB (VISTA/7-x64)

Microsoft Diagnostics And Recovery Toolset ERD50/ERD60 | 470 MB
ERD50: Windows XP
ERD60: Vista / Win7
Microsoft Diagnostics and Recovery Toolset is a complete suite of powerful and versatile tools released by Winternals / Microsoft that allows you to repair unbootable or locked-out systems, restore lost data, and diagnose system and network issues while the system is safely offline.
Included Files:
ERD50 for Win 2K, XP, Server 2003 - x86
ERD60 x86 for Vista 32 bit
ERD60 x64 for Vista 64 bit
Included Features:
- All existing WinRE tools
- Disk Commander
- ERD Registry Editor
- Standalone System Sweeper
- ERD Commander
- ERD Help
- LockSmith
- Crash Analyzer
- Explorer
- File Search
- File Restore
- Hotfix Uninstall
- Memory Diagnostics
- System File Repair
- System Information
- TCP/IP Config
- Map Network Drive
- Solution Wizard
- Services & Drivers
- Disk Management
- Disk Wipe
- Event Viewer
- Autoruns
- Zip/Unzip
Basic User Instructions
(Boot from flash drive instructions below)
1. Use Winrar or the free 7-ZIP to extract the files. http://www.7-zip.org/
2. Choose the correct file to use. x86 = 32bit, and x64 = 64bit
2. Use a program like nero, or the free imgburn program to burn the extracted .iso file. http://www.imgburn.com/index.php?act=download
3. In the target computers bios change boot order so that CD/DVD drive is first on the list.
4. Boot from disc.
All x86 versions will boot on any x86 computer (e.g. ERD5 will boot on an x86 vista computer), but certain features like OS recovery will not work unless you boot the correct version.
Everything else is self explanatory.
Advanced User Instructions
ERD60 for vista is flash drive bootable by following these instructions
1. Run command prompt with admin privileges
2. Type in diskpart
3. Type in "list disk" to find diskpart's designation for your flash drive
4. Assuming your flash drive is disk 1 type:
a. select disk 1
b. clean
c. create partition primary
d. select partition 1
e. active
f. format fs=fat32 quick
g. assign
h. exit
*it is usually ok to create a NTFS partition on the flash drive, but this sometimes causes problems on initial boot. I only recommend doing this for flash memory larger than 4gb
5. Mount the iso file in something like daemon tools so you can access its contents.
6. Assuming you have the iso mounted to E: and the flash drive located at F: then type this into an admin elevated command prompt:
xcopy E:\*.* /s/e F:\
7. In the bios change the boot order to allow the computer to boot from the flash drive.
That's it.
ERD5 can also be booted via flash drive by using grub4dos, but I am not going to cover this here. https://gna.org/projects/grub4dos/
All files tested and working 09/01/2009
ERD50 x86
Fully Working - Windows XP - SP2, SP3
Partial functionality - Windows Vista x86 - SP1, SP2
Windows 7 x86 - RTM
ERD60 X86
Fully Working - Windows Vista x86 - SP1, SP2
Partial functionality - Windows XP - SP2, SP3
Windows 7 x86 - RTM (almost all features work)
ERD60 X64
Fully Working - Windows Vista x64 - SP1, SP2
Partial functionality - Possibly Windows XP x64 (not tested)
Windows 7 x64 - RTM (almost all features work)
*ERD50 not tested on XP versions before SP2 (should still work)
When under partial functionality these features do NOT work:
Computer Management
Hotfix Uninstall
SFC Scan
PC Backup Restore
System Restore
Crash Analyzer
TCP/IP Config
Services and Drivers (ERD50 only)
When under partial functionality these features DO generally work (no guarantees though):
Memory Diagnostic
Command Prompt
Registry Editor
File Restore
Disk Commander
Disk Wipe
Windows Explorer
File Search
Standalone System Sweeper
Autoruns (ERD50 only)
File Sharing (ERD50 only)

ERD50 (XP - x86)
ERD60 (VISTA / 7 - x86)
ERD60 (VISTA / 7 - x64)
All credits to StRiDeR@zor
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