- 已加入
- 3/16/09
- 訊息
- 4,106
- 互動分數
- 37
- 點數
- 48

【軟體名稱】:Nero Lite
【檔案大小】:44.4 MB
【檔案類型】:RAR壓縮檔【WinRAR v3.90 繁體中文正式版 (32bit + 64bit + Protable)】
【驗證 碼】:8dfa0ac9163672eb46171ece6def36a2
Nero Lite installer 包含下列產品:
- Nero BurningROM
- Nero Express
- Nero Cover Designer
- Nero ToolKit (DiscSpeed, DriveSpeed, InfoTool, BurnRights)
- Nero WaveEditor
Nero 9 系統需求:
- Windows Installer 3.1 or higher
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable (included into installer)
Installation size is bigger again, because of problems in Vista and Seven - associated icons were not showing.
Anyway, comparing to installation size of original Nero which is 780MB when same applications are selected, this is small, and today HDD's are cheap.
Uninstaller is included, but it won't be showed in Add/Remove programs.
You will have the shortcut in Start Menu of it and you can use the installer for uninstall.
After uninstall you will probably have to reboot (you'll get prompt if needed) because some files are in use and can be only deleted after reboot.
Do not try to install again Nero if you did not reboot after uninstall, because commands are added which will delete remaining Nero files/folder on next reboot.
請下載Nero General CleanTool 清除工具,將您電腦中剩下的 Nero 項目全部刪除
Nero Lite
Nero Lite
Nero Lite
Nero Lite