
  1. G

    勇渡黑水溝的盒裝 Core i7 4770K Retail 正式版

    I would be interested in the temperatures under load @Stock and @5GHz, I am also interested in your water cooling setup. A coretemp screenshot (or a similar programm) would be perfect. Oh by the way, did you read that?: http://diy.pconline.com.cn/329/3297240_6.html Maybe YOUR 4770K is just one...
  2. G

    勇渡黑水溝的盒裝 Core i7 4770K Retail 正式版

    With Ivy Bridge it was possible to bring the temperature down a whopping 20°C. What made that possible was the reduction of the gap between DIE and IHS (or simply the removal of the IHS) The very high temperature of your chip(s?) may very well be an indicator of the same issue. In case you did...
  3. G

    勇渡黑水溝的盒裝 Core i7 4770K Retail 正式版

    thank you! So did u already consider delidding it? Might be worth it! By the way did you measure the voltage with a multimeter/voltmeter? Just to be sure.... (English is not my native language, so do not worry about the language! I am happy about every response although I must admit that I am a...
  4. G

    勇渡黑水溝的盒裝 Core i7 4770K Retail 正式版

    Sorry that I am writing this in english but unfortunately I don't speak chinese nor am I able to read it (google translater FTW!) Is it possible that it is only your particular sample that performs so horribly? Or is it a general issue with the new Haswells? I heard the temperatures are...