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【軟體名稱】:Acronis True Image Home 2012 v15 Build 5545 + Plus Pack + BootCD
【檔案大小】:344 MB
Acronis True Image - 它是一個可靠的解決方案,完整的備份和恢復工作站。
Acronis True Image Home 也允許你創建一個可開機的CD,可以備份和恢復在Windows XP或Vista或7的電腦硬碟 /分區。
* Acronis Backup Server — 透過讓IT 管理員建立備份管理來確保儲存資源的最佳使用
* Acronis Universal Restore — 還原到不同的硬體和因任何無法預計的事件還原(注:需要購買額外授權)
* 由映像檔啟動,使用Acronis Snap Restore(申請中的專利技術) — 讓系統在還原時可被使用,因而減低當機時間
* 64 位元 Windows支援 — 新舊系統使用一個應用程式
* 用Acronis 啟動代理遠端監看的還原 — 由中心位置還原所有系統網絡上的所有系統
* 自動映像檔檢查 - 讓您確認備份映像檔可以真正的用來還原
* 差異性備份(Differential backups) - 減低您管理的備份數量
* 檔案基礎備份(File backups) - 靈活的系統保護
* 檔案排除備份 - 只備份需要的資料,可節省備份儲存空間
* Windows Event Log 和 SNMP 支援 — 插入您現有的網絡監督程式
* 調節控制硬碟寫入速度和網絡頻寬使用 — 減低對商業運行的打擾
* 備份前/後的客制化腳本 — 幫助公司範圍的備份政策協調
* 用啟動映像檔、PXE套和啟動還原媒體ISO來建立CD — 減少對分開還原媒體的需要,並提供應用程式管理的靈活性
What's new in Acronis True Image Home 2012
* File synchronization — you can synchronize files between different computers and local folders (e.g. a USB device) through a local network or over the Internet;
* NAS support — Acronis True Image Home 2012 now distinguishes NASs as separate devices and suggests them as a location in all browsing operations;
* Nonstop Backup over network — Acronis Nonstop Backup now can be run to network shares, especially to NAS devices;GPT and UEFI support — starting with this release we, support UEFI-based computers. Please note, this doesn't include Apple hardware support. In addition, you do not need to install Plus Pack to work with GPT disks.
* Extended Capacity Disk support — support of large drives (2TB+) on MBR computers.
* Changes in scheduler — added two options:
1. "startup delay", which allows for the running of tasks on a computer start with delay.
2. "retry on failure", which performs several retries to complete a task before it is declared failed;
* Integrated Online Backup — now online backup is integrated into Acronis True Image Home 2012 and such backups are shown among other Acronis backups;
* Improved logs — we added a calendar view and made some improvements to make logs more complete and user-friendly;
* Improved UI — we took into account many customers' complaints.
Windows XP SP3
Windows XP Professional x64 Edition SP2
Windows Vista SP2 (all editions)
Windows 7 SP1 (all editions)
Windows Home Server 2011 (new)
Windows Home Server 2003 (new)
The Perfect Image
Stay in Sync! ~新
Always on Schedule
Flirt with Danger ~獨家
Greater Upgrade Possibilities
Acronis True Image Home 2012 v15 Build 5545 + Plus Pack + BootCD
Acronis True Image Home 2012 v15 Build 5545 + Plus Pack + BootCD
Acronis True Image Home 2012 v15 Build 5545 + Plus Pack + BootCD